Sunday, May 1, 2011

Nasi Kandar Ayam

I had my lunch today with James, well I actually don't plan to have a heavy meal but I did. We had it at SS2 Kayu because it's just around my house. Faliq didn't get to join us, I guess he still tied up by his engagement party yesterday so I didn't get to discuss with him about the music and the band.

James and I had a great talk, mainly it's about why I quited ARC so sudden and not thinking about going back. I discover that Matt is such a double face, he compliment James how good he was and nobody can replace him and things like that when James is around, but behind his back sabotaging him and talking bad about him. Such a jerk. But anyway that's not important anymore.

Yesterday I was having stomachache and wanted to take a dump, but the moment I went into the toilet, there I discover that my house has no water supply, only God knows why. And so I have to wait till the next day (today). After my lunch, finally the stomach is ringing, I rushed to the toilet and I finish my business but I guess Nasi Kandar Ayam is way too hot and spicy for me, because my stomach is burning like hell.

Have been going to the toilet for couple of times right now, how many more times before I clean my stomach inside out? I have no idea.

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