Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Sharing information = Whining?

Today, somebody come to me and tell me, "Do you know that some people don't like to work with your band?" I'm quite stunted, it's not that we are not being friendly or things like that. And so, I try to share this information to those fella about what I heard. Then that bastard replied saying that I'm whining rather than solving the problem?!

He said he don't give a shit about what other people talk about us as a band, I think that's the main problem that we are having as a band. We are always full of our own shit and actong like we are some rock star, pulling of all those faces and stuff but actually we are nothing. I've been very tired ever since last couple of weeks about this band. No friendship besides me and Faliq. I'm really sick of them at times. Should I really continue my journey with this fatso?

Here's some problem that I discover about him:
- Heavy drinker
- Heavy smoker
- Not on time for jamming
- Show off ass
- Lazy
- Mouth full of shit
- Everyone must listen to him

You know what, if I need to list out everything that I'm not happy about him, the list could be very very long and it will probably take me hours to list it down. Bottom of the line, I'm very sick of this. If this continue, I ain't going to give any shit, I'm out!

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