Sunday, April 17, 2011

PC Fair

I've never been to a proper PC fair in my life until this afternoon. Oh man, there are tons and tons of people! I'm feeling like a sardin in a can, it was way too pack to fit in everyone. Despite all those body rubbing, pushing, shouting, yelling, and tons of undesirable behaviors, I enjoy being there and the only reason is the eye candy!

I've been told many times that whenever there is PC fair, camera man will be there snapping all the pictures from different models. Honestly, I don't feel like it's PC fair but rather modelling. Where ever there is a model standing there dressing up nicely, camera will snap non stop and it's very irritating to me.

But at the same time, I was hoping that I'm a girl. Why? Because they got very high paid just to pose while holding their products. The best part is, they don't need to be very pretty! All they need to do is just to wear quite provocative or sexy, giving out flyers and smile. If I'm not mistaken, their paid is around 200-300 per day. What an easy job!

Overall, I still enjoy going there! Gadgets + Pretty girls = Paradise. What an amazing shopping experience.

If I were a girl............ Nah! Proud to be a man!

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