Sunday, September 25, 2011


I've been back to Ipoh for a week now. Besides editing video my day job is just going on internet and watching movie. It kinda sucks to be honest. Because I feel completely restless and useless. Well usually most people will say that it's way too awesome doing nothing but just stay in the house. I would agree to it but not for long.

I can't finish up the video editing due to footage was not sufficient. I've to re-shoot the interview again when I'm back to KL, hopefully by then I can finish everything.

Lately it kept me thinking, how does it feel again if I have a partner? But of course multiple question pops out my mind at the same time. Are you ready? Are you willing to spend time with her? Are you willing to travel far just to see her? Etc...

I must say that I'm a person that are tied up with my own things most of the time, I'm not really sure that I will actually sacrifice my time for other person. So I guess it's a no.

I remember once my friend said this "You won't get what you want, instead attracts who you are." If you attracts people that come into your life, it reflects what kind of person you are. If you hate that, then I guess you should start to change! 

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